No valid qt versions found. Please add a qt verstion in tool/options or via the maintenance tool of the SDK
I have installed Qt 4.4.3 sdk installed. When i start qt creator(2.2.1) using start new project, location part wizard done and next step of QT versions (target Setup) is display the following error message is come..No valid qt versions found.
Please add a qt verstion in tool/options or via the maintenance tool of the SDK.I already checked Tool--->Options--->Qt4--->qmake.exe path is auto-detected.
how to solve this issue? how to create qt quick application project?
Please share ur ideas. or give Installation and Deployment step by step tutor urls.
M.Mathivanan -
hi mathi77in
welcome to this forum.Either some of your information is mixed up or you are using old components.
Qt SDK is at version 1.1.3. There is a Qt version 4.4.3 available, but this is really old. Furthermore, there is already a Qt creator 2.3.0 available.
Please clarify versions. In addition I would suggest to use up-to-date versions to see if the problem persists.
Thanks for your immediate response.
Sorry about that. The following information will clarify your queries regarding Qt versions,
Installed Qt 4.4.3, not Qt SDK.
Installed Qt Creator 2.2.1.
Even though it says, it couldn't find valid Qt versions, We could successfully compile and run Qt application using VC 9.0. But we would like to use Qt Creator to compile and debug Qt applications.
FYI - Right now we could successfully compile and run examples and Qt application which were created earlier using Qt Creator 2.2.1
Tools - Options - Qt4 => It has already auto detected Qt4 in Path "C:\Qt\4.4.3\bin\qmake.exe".
Tools - Options - ToolChains => It has already auto detected "MinGW runtime" & "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 9.0 (x86)".
So, We feel it has already sufficient info to locate qmake and compile Qt applications.
Hi Mathi77in,
Gerolf has provided already some information to assist in setup. I guess, he has certainly more experience in that area than I do.
However, some remarks. You should be aware that Qt compiled for msvc cannot be used with mingw. Also you cannot mix different msvc compilations (e.g. msvc 2005 and 2008).
If you have mingw together with qt creator, you might have to compile Qt for mingw or you have already installed another version mingw of Qt newer than Qt 4.4.3 together with the creator.