N950 RNDIS/Ethernet driver is not installing on WindowsXp:
N950 RNDIS/Ethernet driver is not installing on WindowsXp, while installed it on Windows 7 .Is there any problem to install this driver on Windows XP?I have already installed madde and madde Installusbdriver but nothing happen.
Maybe the driver was installed at the win7 system, we found an issue that the driver won't be installed with the new dependency system (the 1.1.3 update). Will be fixed with the next update.
Please use https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com - where we can sort and comment quicker on such issues.
Go to control Panel --> Device Manager --> you find N950 RNDIS/Ethernet with no driver.
rigth click on it then click to update driver software .You will see 2 options.
1-search automatically
2-Browse my computerClick on the second option Browse my computer , than you will see Browse button and also a link
with text "Let me pick from a list...." click on this text .
than click on have a disk, browse find usbdriver for meego and install , it will install on window 7. -
form here http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/MADDE.php
you can Download install-madde-0.7.48 for windows
and after installation you will find (in installation directory) usbdriver folder having meego usbDriver driver.[EDIT: fixed link, Volker]