Generating a .so for a dylib linking to static Qt
I have a project building a .so library using
CONFIG += dylib
which builds successfully with the standard Qt kit (5.10 + GCC), generated all the files I expect.
However, when I switch to the static build of Qt I built, no .so is generated. The .a and .o files are generated as expected, and I can call a manual call with QMAKE_POST_LINK that looks like:
g++ -shared -o <libname>.so .....
Which works successfully, but I expect that this would be done automatically with the dylib config, as it is when linking to the downloaded qt kit.
Is there some configuration that would cause this? A misunderstanding with how I have added the static qt build kit? Adding a custom g++ call with QMAKE_POST_LINK seems heavy handed.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Based on memories and the CONFIG variable documentation, I'd try to add
CONFIG += shared
. -
You're welcome !
That's a good question and I don't know currently. But I think it would make sense to build projects in the same mode as Qt has been built if nothing is specified.