Problem in the execution of a program
Hi,I have tried to execute a program developped under Qt environment but it terminated always soudainly.When i execute the debbuging program of Qt,it is notified that: "DLL ENTRY POINT NOT FOUND,code 0x000139".I don't know how to resolve this problem.Please some help!!
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
You need to give typically a bit more information.
I guess you are using Qt creator to debug the application.
Try to "Run qmake" and try "Rebuild". Go to the project pan on the left and right click on the top most project name. Those entries shall appear then.
Alternatively you can go to the menu entry
"Build"->"Run qmake"
"Build"->"Rebuild all" -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What application is that ?
Are the sources available ?
What version of Qt Creator are you using ?
What compiler ?
What version of Qt ?
How did you install all of that ? -
It's a simple application to show a dialog box.That's the source code of the main file:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPushButton>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QPushButton bouton("Salut les ZĂ©ros, la forme ?");
bouton.setText("Pimp mon bouton !");;
return app.exec();
}Qt creator 4.7.0
MinGW 32bit
Qt 5.5
I've installed them by using the online installer -
Qt 5.5 ? Why that outdated version ? Current is 5.11 and LTS is 5.9.
Then the first thing you should do is to install a recent development environment.
How did you install Qt ?
Then, install the latest version of Qt and re-build your program from scratch with it.
If you still have the same error, then start it with through the debugger to see exactly which library is at fault.
Do you have any application on your system that also came with Qt libraries ?
your application runs ok under windows 10 64 bit with Qt 5.4.2 MinGW and Qt 5.10.1 also for MinGW.
The only message from Qt shown when starting the application is:
setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 97x23+640+280 on QWidgetWindow/'QPushButtonClassWindow'. Resulting geometry: 120x23+640+280 (frame: 8, 31, 8, 8, custom margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 0x0, maximum size: 16777215x16777215).
However, that is no indication of a crash rather than merely less than a warning.
Since this does not reflect the messages from start of your thread, there must be something wrong with your setup and/or OS.
You need to give more details on your setup as already asked for isntance here