Zoom in the photo in flickable, the part outside the window cannot be dragged back
General and Desktop
this Code snippet:
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick 2.0
Window {
visible: true
width: 600
height: 600
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property double lastContentXdelta:0
property double lastContentYdelta:0
id: dragRegion1
anchors.fill: parentonWheel : { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier){ // prevcenter=tform.origin; if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) { tform.xScale += 0.01 tform.yScale += 0.01 } else { if( tform.xScale>0.01){ tform.xScale -= 0.01 tform.yScale -= 0.01 } } } else{ wheel.accepted=false } } // Attach scrollbars to the right and bottom edges of the view. ScrollBar { id: verticalScrollBar width: 12; height: flickview.height anchors.right: flickview.right opacity: 1 z:1000; orientation: Qt.Vertical position: (flickview.contentY - flickview.originY) * (flickview.height / flickview.contentHeight) pageSize: flickview.visibleArea.heightRatio //targetflick:flickview } ScrollBar { id: horizontalScrollBar width: flickview.width; height: 12 anchors.bottom: flickview.bottom opacity: 1 z:1000; orientation: Qt.Horizontal position: (flickview.contentX - flickview.originX) * (flickview.width / flickview.contentWidth) pageSize: flickview.visibleArea.widthRatio // targetflick:flickview } // Create a flickable to view a large image. Flickable { id: flickview leftMargin: 10 anchors.fill: parent contentWidth: picture.width*tform.xScale contentHeight: picture.height*tform.yScale onContentWidthChanged: { // flickview.originX-=(flickview.width-flickview.width*tform.xScale )/2 } onContentHeightChanged: { //flickview.originY-=(flickview.height-flickview.height*tform.xScale )/2 } Image { id: picture source: "./pics/niagara_falls.jpg" asynchronous: true transform: Scale { id: tform origin.x: flickview.contentX +flickview.width/2 origin.y: flickview.contentY +flickview.height/2 xScale: 1 yScale: 1 } Component.onCompleted: { } } // Only show the scrollbars when the view is moving. states: State { name: "ShowBars" when: view.movingVertically || view.movingHorizontally PropertyChanges { target: verticalScrollBar; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: horizontalScrollBar; opacity: 1 } } transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; duration: 400 } } } }