trouble using qobject_cast (MOC not seeing Q_OBJECT)
Hi Everyone,
I've got a class that I am defining as a subclass of QAbstractProxyModel, which I will be instantiating inside of QML.
Here's some info I pulled from DataFilter.h:
class DataFilter: public QAbstractProxyModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QObject* source READ getSource WRITE setSourceModel NOTIFY sourceChanged) explicit DataFilter(QObject * parent = nullptr);
And here are my setter and constructor definitions for reference:
DataFilter::DataFilter(QObject *parent): QAbstractProxyModel(parent), choice(-1), source(nullptr), mOutputs() { } void DataFilter::setSourceModel(QObject *model) { QObject * tester = qobject_cast<DataModel*>(model); if (tester) { source = qobject_cast<DataModel&>(model); } else return; }
This setter is what I am struggling with. BOTH DataFilter and DataModel have been defined with Q_OBJECT (I've been down this road before, so I know the errors), but for some reason, the moc is still not happy. My reason for this approach is to avoid failed casts.
/home/ghguest/Qt5.9.3/5.9.3/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:738: error: static assertion failed: qobject_cast requires the type to have a Q_OBJECT macro #define Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(Condition, Message) static_assert(bool(Condition), Message)
On this same thought, the source member variable I am setting here is a reference (DataModel& source;). I am unsure if I am choosing the right cast target.Overall, I am very confused by this. MOC is not happy, even though I've defined the target of the cast with Q_OBJECT. Here is a code chunk for you non-believers:
class DataModel: public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT explicit DataModel(const DataModel &model); explicit DataModel(DataModel &&); DataModel& operator=(const DataModel &); DataModel& operator=(DataModel &&);
As you can see, I've also defined my copy & move constructors/assignment operators.
Any ideas of things to try would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I have solved the issue, and the result makes sense. First I'm going to reveal what I changed to complete an error-free build, then I'm going to explain why this makes sense.
I fixed my error by changing source; instead of storing a reference, I am now storing a pointer.
Meaning I went from this:DataModel &source;
to this:
DataModel *source;
When a person stores a reference, they are storing the literal address in memory of that object. Now, because the address of the object in memory is probably tied to a bunch of other locations in memory, it is a time-costly and undesirable operation to copy by reference, because that would include making all the necessary ties to that new memory location.
Storing a pointer completely avoids the heavy operation of copying all of the arguments data. So instead of copying the object's address and mimicking all of its ties, you just pass a pointer that points to that object's address in memory.
I hope I was clear and also correct. C++ is a relatively new language to me, but I have done my fair share of reading about move and copy semantics.
If I have made an error in what I've said here, PLEASE tell me! Eager learner here.
There's one main major point you missed: you can not copy QObject based classes.
See the QObject documentation on the why.