Qt Cryptographic Architecture
I found some information about QCA. I want to use RSA for my irc-based chat. And I have a problem: I need to create server-client model-system. I wrote that algorythm:
1. Node A sends his public key to the server.
2. Node B downloads user's A public key.
3. Node B sends his public key to the server.
4. Node A downloads public key.
5. And when all public keys downloaded, starting chat.
6. Using public key of the partner - encryption.
Can you advice me, how to complete these steps. Thank, you.
P.S. I am new at Qt (7 month)
P.S.S. Sorry for my Engilsh) -
OK. I need advice, how to write my project. Using basic Qt library or with QXMPP.
[quote author="loladiro" date="1315496170"]Could you be more specific, what you need help with (e.g. how to generate/transmit/encrypt or sth. like that)? Because only then can we offer you advice that really helps.[/quote]