[Solved]Hide Applicationfrom Application Bar
Hi All,
I've created a Qt app that search a particular file on my computer. It runs and work well. My Problem is:I'd like to hide my app to the user: My application should be visible only if i open the program that show which are the app running.
i'd like to do something like "ituneshelper".
I should do it on win and also mac.
Do you know how can I do it. -
To hide the application windows just use QWidget::hide().
To hide the taskbar icon see "this":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/8902 thread. -
It runs.
Thanks a lot -
Now I'd like to hide also on Mac OS.
Someone has an advice?
Thanks. -
If you need to hide the app from the menu bar, the wiki article "OS X application without menu bar":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/OS_X_application_without_menu_bar provides you with a recipe.