Wgt file not running on n950 developer edition.
I have created an application using nokia web sdk.i have already install file manager on the device, when i am clicking on .wgt file its not running or installing on the device(n950 developer edition).
is .wgt file is compatible or not on meego devices and how can i install it on the device. -
plz reply :(
ok am waiting ,
and also when i am running following command:
$ zypper install qt-web-runtime
/bin/sh: zypper not found // [it shows this error] -
Isen't the N950 a deb-based thing? Try the debian tools (apt-get).
THANKS Tobias Hunger,
when i am running
sudo apt-get install nmap command it shows follwing error
/bin/sh: sudo not foundplz also see this link
http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.1/W...ample_Web_Appsdefine WRT for MeeGo
Just looking at the error message I would guess that there is no sudo available on the device. Please check the documentation on how to become root on the N950.
Why do you ask me to look at an empty page?
@Tobias Hunger ,Sorry plz see this
http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.1/Web_SDK_with_WRT -
when i run following command on N950 developer edition
~ # whoami
it show me
but sudo not found.
This is because sudo is not on the device as a command. You can acquire root privileges with login root or download somewhere (I don't remember where but I am sure that there is) a command (simple script) that grant you root permissione without the need of the login. It is similar to sudo and - if I am not wrong - you'll find it in the documentation on how-to installa and upgrade the device for reflashing ...
DanSiddiqui: Well, the page you linked to does obviously not apply to the N950: It does have a couple of differences from normal meego devices.
Thanks Tobias Hunger, its means Qt creator should be used for developing application for N950/N900.its better to use Qt creator.
The differences between Harmattan/Meego (N950 and N9) and Meego/Meego has little to do with Qt Creator, even though we of course do make sure it works well with both.
Thanks Fomand plz define
“su” (+ root password)
i can't understanding plz tell me example command to run this -
[quote author="DanSiddiqui" date="1315545525"]Thanks Fomand plz define
“su” (+ root password)
i can't understanding plz tell me example command to run this[/quote]"This":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su_(Unix), "this":http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/su-invocation.html and "this":http://linux.die.net/man/1/su might help you.