What names of Qt to use and not to use
Recently, I have debated about how to refer Qt in our project. Since naming is not subjective and we were not able to get in clear consensus what should be used and why, I decided to ask here :)
Usage like this is under question: @${qtsdk.feature.QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIF}@
I’ve used “qt”, where other one has used “qt-sdk”. My opinions for my use is that it is used virtually everywhere, is intuitive telling everyone this thingy is related to Qt. The other one uses Qt SDK because Qt is SDK by her opinion and so on. I didn’t fully understood reasons for it, feel free to explain me if you know any.
I also thought about Qt frameworks if that kind of explicit name would really be needed. I don’t see need in vars and such for it though.
So the question is, or rather start of flame w^H^H^H^H^H^H^H discussion about naming. Please enlight me for reasons to use Qt name in this context, tell me I’m totally wrong or whatever. I’m pretty lost with this discussion, so I’d like to hear some new opinions.
I'm not sure in what context you're naming things.
However, in general, my thoughts are that Qt is the toolkit itself (library, api, etc.) and the QtSDK is simply a collection of developer tools and bundling which facilitate the development of apps based on Qt.
You can do Qt development without the SDK part of it (On the command line, with qmake, make, your favorite editor, etc.) As such, I would think that API-related things are "Qt" not "QtSdk".
[quote author="mlong" date="1315335193"]I'm not sure in what context you're naming things.
[/quote]I deliberately left that open, but something like in variables, manuals, comments... Program related stuff. Generic name, since varying from name to another is bad for intelligibility, IMHO.
I always refer to the Qt libraries if I specifically mean the libraries. I use Qt when I talk about the entity (company & libraries). I hardly ever speak of the Qt SDK because I find it ambiguous in most cases. QtSDK is probably best seen as mlong mentioned: the whole set of libraries and tools you can download from the website.
According to http://qt.nokia.com/ Qt itself is a "Cross-platform application and UI framework".
Qt SDK refers to a specific piece of software (the SDK), containing the Qt framework (libraries + tools - moc, qmake, uic, rcc, assistant, designer, etc.), Qt Creator, Qt Mobility, MinGW etc.
I don't think there's any chance of confusion, therefore if you want to refer to a specific Qt feature (as in: the a framework feature, like the style) you should avoid using the "qtsdk" name.
[quote author="peppe" date="1315341989"]
I don't think there's any chance of confusion, therefore if you want to refer to a specific Qt feature (as in: the a framework feature, like the style) you should avoid using the "qtsdk" name.[/quote]The use of qtsdk is meant in this case like referring to Qt build with Qt tools (a Qt compilation from git repository, for example).
[quote author="Smar" date="1315343980"]
The use of qtsdk is meant in this case like referring to Qt build with Qt tools (a Qt compilation from git repository, for example).
[/quote]Even then, it's possible for Qt Creator (as part of the SDK) to use various different versions of the Qt libraries or different toolchains to do the compilation. So you'd want to specifically mention which version of the library, etc. is being used.