Clip an item from the top
Hi all, I need some help with clipping.
I'm making a volume meter and I want to clip the coloured bar from the top
Here's what I have now. (hooked the slider value to the volume meter for now, just to test)
But as you can see, it looks like the bar is just moving down.
Any way to have it just clip from the top ? -
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
If I understand correctly, you like to have the colors staying in position and not moving.
Can't you simply reverse the issue and pull a darkgrey bar as the background over the other bar with the colors?
I'm implementing a design where all elements have (partial) opacity.
So the bar really has to be clipped from top to let other (background) elements pass through
I've noticed that Canvas with context2d has clipping. Maybe that works. But that's a lot more cumbersome. -
Replace your coloured bar with a parent
wrapping the bar, addclip: true
to the Item and correctly position the bar in the item :anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
if you are only changing the height of the item. -
I thought in a crazy and different approach:
- Use a layer effect to apply a opacity mask in your gange rect.
- Control the Y level of your mask using the Y level of Control Rect
Below is a snippet code of how it could work:
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Rectangle{ id: outRect width: 50 height: 200 color: "#ff00ff" // Control settings Rectangle{ id: controlRect width: parent.width height: 2 color: "black" z: parent.z+1 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent controlRect drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumY: outRect.height-controlRect.height drag.smoothed: false } // Colored Rects Rectangle{ id: coloredRect1 width: parent.width height: parent.height/2 color: "pink" } Rectangle{ id: coloredRect2 width: parent.width height: parent.height/2 color: "red" coloredRect1.bottom } // Layer Settings layer.enabled: true layer.effect: OpacityMask { maskSource: Item{ width: outRect.width height: outRect.height Rectangle { width: outRect.width height: outRect.height y: controlRect.y } } } }
@GrecKo , I think I've already tried that, but I'm probably overlooking something
This is my code
// VolumeMeter.qml import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: root width: 18 height: 89 property real volume : 87 // clip: true Item{ id: volumeLeft width:9 height: root.height clip: true Rectangle { id: frameLeft width:10 height:89 color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,.07) border.color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) } Item{ id: clipL width:frameLeft.width- 2 height: root.volume anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 1 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter clip: true ColorBar{} // } }
and I do the same for the right volume meter
Code for the ColorBar{}
here's ColorBar// ColorBar.qml import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: root width: 8 height: 87 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Rectangle { id: orange width: 8 height: 32 color: "#da691a" border.width: 0 } Rectangle { id: yellow width: 8 height: 8 color: "#f3d444" orange.bottom anchors.topMargin: 0 } Rectangle { id: green width: 8 height: 47 yellow.bottom anchors.topMargin: 0 border.width: 0 gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0 color: "#0AC48C" } GradientStop { position: 1 color: "#07835E" } } } }