Defining the element to focus when a text field is completed
Some weeks ago I decided to use's "TextField": element instead of Qt upstream "TextInput": because the former had a convenient placeholderText property. Now someone had the good idea of jumping to the next text field when the user presses the Enter key. I see TextInput has a "onAccepted": signal to do just that, but this seems to be missing in TextField...
Any suggestions on how to jump to the next field with a TextField. Advice on how to get placeholderText in a TextInput might be also useful. ;) Thanks!
Hi there Qgil,
I came across that problem a few days ago too :D.
TextField {
id: myField
placeholderText: "Placeholder..."//... Keys.onReturnPressed: { console.log("Enter pressed") settingsSheet.accept()//a parent settings sheet for example //or you could just set the next field's focus }
@I found the solution at QmlComponentGallery's "TextInputPage.qml" source file. That file's the best documentation for this sort of thing :D