Exist some Qt WinCE binaries
We managed to have a build for our WinCE 6 for arm4vi after a fair bit of messing around we've since switched to Embedded Linux However so most of our WinCE work is gone. I might be able to give you some hints towards your build. I think its interesting that its easier for me to build apps for my Android based tablet then it ever was for WinCE6
The biggest problem with WinCE 6 is that there is no "standard" SDK.
If you look into the mkspec folder
there is a wince60standard-armv4i-msvc2005 subfolder
(to compile for windows ce 6.0 with msvc2005)
BUT you have to change the qmake.conf to reference your specific windows CE sdk, changing:
into (if for example the Windows CE 6 SDK for your device is named MARVELLPXA)
CE_ARCH = ARMV4IThen the setcepaths.bat does not support Windows CE 6.0
so BEFORE launching nmake to compile the Qt libraries
you will have to use checksdk.exe directly with something like this:
checksdk.exe -sdk "MARVELLPXA (ARMV4I)" -script tmp_created_script_setup.bat 1>NUL
tmp_created_script_setup.batchecksdk.exe (located in Qt's bin subfolder) generates the batch file tmp_created_script_setup.bat with the environment variiables redefinitons pointing to the include and lib files, that's why
you have to execute it after checksdk and before launching nmake.