Can't write in a dialog
@hjohn QIODevice::write?! Can you please show the code? It is really unclear what you're doing. To exchange data between different UI classes you should either use signals/slots or public methods.
" text from that QTextEdit should be written" - written to where? Into a file? -
I am trying to build a client server chat
server is all set, But now in client ...I have three classes
1. class clientMainForm : public QDialog
2.class clientWidget : public QWidget
3.class myDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegateno 1. creates QTcpSocket and all its connections with signals and slots. It has main GUI which handles the client , meaning the main gui of the current client.
no 2. Its a widget (GUI form ) for the clients that are connected , other than the current client.
no3. is Delegate class in which
QWidgetcreateEditor(QWidget parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const;
method has been implemented to create clientWidget as an editor. Delegate class is called in clientMainForm .thats clientWidget 's gui. which gets open in clientMainForm's GUI. when we click on OK button , that message should go to the other client through server ...thats the main task here.
I have used signals and slots to make all the connections and the all are working fine but when it comes for QTcpSocket::write(message.tostdstring().c_str()); it displays the message mentioned at the beginning of the thread.So in conclusion , the question is , How can we make this editor which was created by using QStyledItemDelegate ,work like any other GUI ?
@hjohn said in Can't write in a dialog:
QIODevice::write (QTextEdit, "SendtextEdit"):
That looks really odd.
do you mean
write (QTextEdit->text());please show the actual real code.
@mrjj thank you very much for responding
1. class clientMainForm : public QDialogvoid clientMainForm ::clientListArrived(QString ID) { myDelegate *delegate=new myDelegate (ID); clientWidget *form=new clientWidget (); ui->listView->setItemDelegate(delegate); QStandardItem*item=new QStandardItem; QStandardItemModel *model=new QStandardItemModel; model->setItem(count,item); const QModelIndex index=model->index(count,0,QModelIndex()); count++; ui->listView->openPersistentEditor(index); } void clientMainForm ::sendMessage(QString message) { if(!message.isEmpty()){ if(m_clientSocket->write(message.tostdString().c_str())){ ui->senderTxt->clear(); ui->senderTxt->setFocus(); } } }
2.class clientWidget : public QWidget // ui of this class , you'll find in previous post
void clientWidget ::on_pushButton_clicked() { QString message=":"+ui->SendtextEdit->toPlainText().trimmed(); emit privateMessage(message); //this signal is connected to the clientMainForm ::sendMessage(QString message) slot. ui->textEdit->append(message); }
3.class myDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
QWidget*myDelegate ::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const{ clientWidget *editor=new clientWidget (parent); return editor; }
whenever a new client arrives , QStrign ID is given to that client and after that void clientMainForm ::clientListArrived(QString ID ) is called.
@jsulm its in class clientMainForm : public QDialog
As I have mentioned earlier , everything about QTcpSocket is done in clientMainForm class using signals and slots.
in clientMainForm.h,public: QTcpSocket *m_clientSocket;
void clientMainForm::on_btnConnect_clicked() { m_clientSocket=new QTcpSocket(this); m_clientSocket->connectToHost(ui->IPText->toPlainText(),qint16(ui->PortTxt->toPlainText().toInt())); if(m_clientSocket->waitForConnected(1000)){ qDebug()<<"Client Connected"; } connect(m_clientSocket,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(ReceiveData())); connect(m_clientSocket,SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(connectionLost())); }
Are you trying to implement something like Qt's network chat example ?
@SGaist not exactly the same
What I'm trying here is , I have a QListView in which , by using QWidget createEditor();* multiple creators(the image iploaded in earlier post) are created . I want to send the text written in that editor to server. -
So you want to have several "chat windows" in your QListView that all send to the same server ?
And each of these chat window would handle its socket itself ?
Then it looks like the Fortune Client example might be a better base.