Resized QTreeWidget headers hiding items
I've got a QTreeWidget and I want to make a (horizontal) header take up lots more vertical space on a signal; I can resize it fine using tree->header()->setMinimumSize etc, but when I do the items beneath stay in the same places, so the first 8 or so entries are hidden beneath it. How can I move them all downwards? Is there a better function for resizing the header (there's only one column), or is there any way to adjust vertical position of the items?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe you should do the following:
If you use Qt Designer (same could be done with code)
Put QTextEdit above QTreeView and assign vertical layout for the parent container."Put a lot of text" in the QTextBox and resize it as needed.
It will resize (push down) your QTreeView and QTreeView will keep its good shape.
The view uses QHeader::sizeHint() instead of the actual size of the header to draw itself, and QHeader::sizeHint() doesn't take minimumSize() into account.
You can fix that by deriving QHeader, reimplementing sizeHint(), and calling updateGeometries on the tree after each call to setMinimumSize to manually force the view update.
@class HeaderView : public QHeaderView {
explicit HeaderView(Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent =0)
: QHeaderView(orientation, parent) {
// Default options used in QTreeView/QTreeWidget:
}QSize sizeHint() const { return QHeaderView::sizeHint().expandedTo(minimumSize()); }
// With that in the constructor
tree->setHeader(new HeaderView(Qt::Horizontal, tree));// And to change the size/height
// The function/slot updateGeometries is protected, so we can't call it
// directly from outside a QTreeView derived class
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(tree, "updateGeometries");