import Enginio 1.0
PageLeves.qmlimport QtQuick 2.1
import Enginio 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0ColumnLayout {
EnginioOAuth2Authentication {
id: identity
user: login.text
password: password.text
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 3
spacing: 3TextField {
id: login
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: "Username"
enabled: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.NotAuthenticated
}TextField {
id: password
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: "Password"
echoMode: TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit
enabled: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.NotAuthenticated
}Button {
id: proccessButton
Layout.fillWidth: true
}TextArea {
id: data
text: "Not logged in.\n\n"
readOnly: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: trueConnections { target: enginioClient onSessionAuthenticated: { data.text = data.text + "User '"+ login.text +"' is logged in.\n\n" + JSON.stringify(, undefined, 2) + "\n\n" } onSessionAuthenticationError: { data.text = data.text + "Authentication of user '"+ login.text +"' failed.\n\n" + JSON.stringify(, undefined, 2) + "\n\n" } onSessionTerminated: { data.text = data.text + "Session closed.\n\n" } }
states: [
State {
name: "NotAuthenticated"
when: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.NotAuthenticated
PropertyChanges {
target: proccessButton
text: "Login"
onClicked: {
enginioClient.identity = identity
State {
name: "Authenticating"
when: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.Authenticating
PropertyChanges {
target: proccessButton
text: "Authenticating..."
enabled: false
State {
name: "AuthenticationFailure"
when: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.AuthenticationFailure
PropertyChanges {
target: proccessButton
text: "Authentication failed, restart"
onClicked: {
enginioClient.identity = null
State {
name: "Authenticated"
when: enginioClient.authenticationState == Enginio.Authenticated
PropertyChanges {
target: proccessButton
text: "Logout"
onClicked: {
enginioClient.identity = null
} -
This looks like a duplication of this post
It does not make sense to duplicate a post when you do get an answer in what you consider as proper time frame.
Please continue with the other thread.Closing this one.