Qt for ebook readers (slanted text question)
Hi there, this might be int he wrong forum, apologies in advance.
My question comes from the result of font subsetting in Indesign when creating Ebooks.
After embedding fonts (and the consequent subsetting), sometimes Sigil and Calibre (and possibly other Qt based readers) display all text set in the font in question, as slanted (in addition to normal, italic, etc.). I've been trying to understand why this happens and how to avoid it.Now I'll reproduce my posts at mobileread:
[0_1529756175922_Baskervald x3.zip](Uploading 100%)
The issue first arose with Linux Libertine ( http://libertine-fonts.org/download/ ), in the Calibre viewer all text set in Linux Libertine was slanted (all passages, with no overrides, regardless whether they were set to font-style normal or italic... on top of that they were oblique or slanted). When the same EPUB was opened in ADE the result was terrible (i's were missing their dots, and j's were missing entirely).The Epub in question was created through Indesign CC.
I then used an OTF version and everything was solved.
Now I used Baskervald ( http://arkandis.tuxfamily.org/adffonts.html ) for another project. Had the exact same problem, but it already is an OTF, so... ¿any ideas?
On the up side, when opened in ADE the Epub shows as it should.
Update: Just tried replacing the subsetted file with the original file. Problem solved... But I still want to know what is it that Calibre interpretes as "this font must be slanted".I've found this to be a somewhat common issue with embedded fonts in Sigil and Calibre.
@Land_Outcast I don't understand how your question is related to Qt?
If this is an issue with Calibre or some other software written using Qt you should rather ask the project behind this software. -
I got the following answer from Kovid Goyal:
It doesn't have anything to do with calibre. Font interpretation in the view components of both sigil and calibre is done by Qt WebKit. You'd have to ask the Qt developers why that happens
@Land_Outcast said in Qt for ebook readers (slanted text question):
I got the following answer from Kovid Goyal:
It doesn't have anything to do with calibre. Font interpretation in the view components of both sigil and calibre is done by Qt WebKit. You'd have to ask the Qt developers why that happens
First, understand this: Here, WebKit is the component that renders your EPUB file. WebKit itself is a very large piece of software, and it's independent of Qt. "Qt WebKit" merely provides a way to integrate WebKit into Qt-based software. Unless I'm mistaken, Qt itself has no control over how WebKit renders anything.
So my questions are:
- Does your slanting issue occur with other WebKit-based EPUB readers?
- What version of Qt WebKit do Sigil and Calibre use?