Repeater is not refreshed after changing model
I use repeater for creating charts. I created a plugin on C++ for drawing lines in this charts and by click on button I am calling javascript function that updates repeater's model. But I can not see any update of the sreen with chart.
What can be wrong?
Thank you for your help!
A skeleton code will be helpful to provide a solution. By the way, try property binding on model property.
I have already find the answer and this thread was helpful :
I find that it's not a problem of Repeater QML Element. I is bug of mine custom Line Element. Then i am set start and end points of line I am do not set width and hieght and so QDeclarativeItem’s boundingRect do not know what area needs to be repainted when update() is called for the element.
I find two ways to fix this
1 (good) set width and height
2 (evil) call setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate) somethereThank you, srikanthsombhatla, anyway!