QML - ViewLoader
Hello again, I'm still studying this sample project: "https://projects.developer.nokia.com/QMLRestaurantApp":RestaurantApp and I noticed that this particular app is using a unique function called ViewLoader. Can anyone explain what it does? Because I'm trying to explore a bit by calling my own qml file and I'm getting the error: " TypeError: Result of expression 'item' [null] is not an object."
Thank you :D
ViewLoader seems to be their own custom component expanding the QML Loader component, http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-loader.html
The source code for ViewLoader in that project is here: https://projects.developer.nokia.com/QMLRestaurantApp/browser/RestaurantApp/qml/common/RestaurantApp/ViewLoader.qml
So, it's not part of QML.
Yes, I know that it's not part of QML.
I was trying to find out what its functions are. I tried to call my own QML file using that component but I got errors so I'm trying to study that component so I can fix it :D