Location of Qt mobility source for Harmattan
For some Harmattan research I need to take a closer look on the Qt Mobility sources used for the official Harmattan version. But where are those sources located? Is there a special branch for Harmattan, or is it part of the main master branch:
http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-mobility/ ?Thanks!
Hi there,
For all I know the version is that one you pointed to in gitorious . But I'd guess that the best "match" is is probably "tag v1.2.0":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-mobility/qt-mobility/trees/v1.2.0 . Also, you can see that there's a lot of harmattan-specific code in there (aegis and all).
UPDATE: just saw that there's even a README to build it for Harmattan "here":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-mobility/qt-mobility/blobs/v1.2.0/src/harmattaninstalls/README