[Solved] Qt SDK 1.1.3 with Qt Libs 4.7.4 -- 64 bit only?
I cannot choose 32 bit.
I installed from the 1Gig installed on the Qt website, then installed both of these:
Cocoa: Mac binary package for Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.6 (32-bit and 64-bit)
http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-opensource-4.7.4.dmg (211 MB, includes build and interface tools)
http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-opensource-4.7.4-debug-libs.dmg (721 MB, libs only)Still no good. I cannot see any 32-bit compilers available. just 64 bit.
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry about the double post.
can anyone please help? I've been at this since yesterday. I can't get any work done. Why am I only seeing 64 bit build options although my machine has 32 bit GCC and I downloaded and installed everything 4.7.4 off of QT's website?
It's very likely that the prebuilt binaries only contain 64bit versions of Qt. I'm afraid, but I would say that you will have to compile Qt yourself. It's not a big deal, and with a decent machine it will last some 30 minutes.
As for the gcc 32/64bit: The compilers shipped by Apple are able to generate 32 and 64 bit code for both Intel and PPC architecture. Everything's just a matter of some switches to the compiler's and linker's command line.
How did you resolve it? Could you use the 32 bits toolchain? I have the same problem too. I have a project that uses some libs in 32 bit versions only, and although I can see the 32 bit toolchain on the Qt creator settings, I can't choose them on the project.
How did you do it? Did you have to build Qt again? In that case how did you do it?
There is no separate 32bit/64bit toolchain on the Mac. The toolchains differ only in compiler versions (gcc 4.0, 4.2, clang). All of them support 32bit/64bit and PowerPC/Intel object code simultaneously.
You will have to set the appropriate combination by command line switches to gcc or in the .pro file for qmake:
To build only 32bit targets use:
CONFIG += x86 ppc
CONFIG -= x86_64 ppc64
@You can link your application against every lib that includes object code for the same architectures. It does not harm if you libs contain more architectures than you need.