[Moved]Automatic Mouse Click
First of al, i'm new to the forums so i hope this is the right place to post it.
I'm trying to make an program that handles website's. So this if got already (as test)
@import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0Rectangle {
id: rectangle2
width: 360
height: 360
color: "#4b4545"WebView { id: web_view1 x: 54 y: 65 width: 252 height: 230 contentsScale: 1 url: "http://www.google.com" MouseArea { id: mouse_area1 x: 0 y: 0 width: 252 height: 230 } }
@Not much, but for now enough.
What i want as test for now is to run the aplication and that the app itself click on 'pictures / afbeeldingen'.
Do u guys can explain me how i must do that???TWCrap