Shadow building several Qt 4.7.4 builds from the same source tree
I'm pretty sure I've been able to build several Qt builds from the same source tree using shadow builds in the past. But now I cannot make it work, with Qt 4.7.4. I'm on Windows 7 with MSVC 2008, trying to build for 32-bit Windows, 64-bit Windows and Windows Mobile 6. The 64-bit build worked, but now I cannot use the same source tree for the other builds.
Does anyone know if there is something in the shadow build process that changes something in the source tree, which could be causing this? Could it e.g. be that moc is used to create new files inside the source tree, and this is done slightly differently on different platforms? Or could it be because I'm using slightly different configs, and have made a small change to some of the mkspec files?
I kind of expected shadow builds not to alter anything inside thew source tree at all, but maybe that's not how it works.