Stupid question: how to add reference in .pro file to static lib compiled from source
As you can guess from the title of this post I'm a newbie to Qt.
I have a simple problem which I do not know how to solve:
I want to use the qjson library. I downloaded the source code in PRJOECTS/qjson (where PROJECTS is the root directory
of my working projects, let's say "c:\work\cuteprojs" or something like it, I put all my qt projects in there)
I have successfully compiled qjson for harmattan and desktop; After the build I have 2 directories:
PROJECTS/qjson-build-desktop & PROJECTS/qjson-build-harmattanNow I have another project, TestQJson, where I want to use the static lib generated from the qjson projects.
Inside PROJECTS/TestQJson/ file I add the following:- INCLUDEPATH += ../qjson/src
- LIBS += -lqjson
- LIBS += -L../qjson-build-harmattan/lib/
For line 1) everything is clear, TestQJSon correctly finds the necessary .h files from qjson.
Now in line 2) I tell QMAKE (or whatever trolls refer to the build system/framework/makefile/etc) that TestQJson will link to the static qjson library; and in line 3) I tell it where to find this library. It compiles and everything is ok.HOWEVER, if now I want to build for desktop target I need to modify line 3) like this:
3) LIBS += -L../qjson-build-desktop/lib/Is there a more elegant solution to this problem?
(Please ignore the qjson reference, e.g. the issue is not related to the qjson project, it's related to any other project that builds as a static lib)Thanks & regards,
Ionut -
Have at look at "scopes": in the qmake manual.