Symbian S3 problem with capabilities
I have wrote a program that should enter in C:\private.
I have inserted the capabilities "WriteDeviceData" and "ReadDeviceData" doing so:
I have inserted this line in the ".pro" file
symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += ReadDeviceData
symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += WriteDeviceData
@I should sign this program before run but I can't make the ".sis" file because I can't run the program on device (I get an error).
How can I do? -
What error did you get?
the error is this:
"Automatic patching failed at C:\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian3Qt473\bin\ line 357." -
I doubt that ReadDeviceData and WriteDeviceData is enough to access C:\private in symbian. Better ask at though, they have all the symbian experts there:-)
Ok but the community is offline now
This has nothing to do with capabilities. Capability issue comes up when sis is being installed on the device, that is where the verification happens. For this problem, better delete all generated files in your project folder and repeat build process.
I've solve with the cert that I ha downloaded from symbian signed
dridk: Rereading the whole thread I think the issue is that you need a certificate to enable those capabilities. The default mode used by creator (self-sign) seams to not suffice here: You need to get an developer certificate and register that with Qt Creator for the packaging to work.
That is what I understood... I am no Symbian expert though.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1318687139"]dridk: Rereading the whole thread I think the issue is that you need a certificate to enable those capabilities. The default mode used by creator (self-sign) seams to not suffice here: You need to get an developer certificate and register that with Qt Creator for the packaging to work.
That is what I understood... I am no Symbian expert though.[/quote]
Hi Tobias,
You are absolutely right. "ReadDeviceData": is part of the extended capabilites so self-signed certificate is not enough for it.
dridk if you use ReadDeviceData obtain developer certificate. Please check this link for details.
Btw similar topic about has been also discussed at "developer nokia forum":