Broadcast YUV as MPEG-4 over the network
I have a YUV Video stream grabbed from my Camera.
My audio signal is not relevant, I have ignored audio at all.
When I put this YUV in a file, it is really huge (uncompressed).1 - Finally I would like to broadcast this grabbed camera signal as MPEG-4 (H.264) over the ether.
2 - Therefore I would like to compress this huge data amount to broadcast it easier.I saw a Qt library called Phonon, which may handle those multimedia stuff? Can I compress my YUV to MPEG-4 with any Qt libraries. I also would appreciate a library which handles the video streaming stuff at all..
Thanks for any hints.
Cheers Murat
I always thought that VideoLAN uses ffmpeg stuff. But acording to the
its oviously the other way around ;)Sounds interesting, I'll keep reading the documentation, thank you!