Strange behaviour on n950
Hi all,
i've created an app for the n950; it works very well, but if i kill it in task manager, relaunching it, it doesn't start anymore;
so i've tried to launch it in the terminal and it gives me the following message:ERROR!!: lock reserved but no window id for binary name found
In my .desktop file i'm using "/usr/bin/single-instance /opt/MyApp/bin/Myapp
For every single instance application there is a lock file created (/tmp/single-instance-locks/<application>/instance.lock if I remember correctly). I guess this lock persists when killing your application, which prevents single-instance from launching another instance.
I think single-instance should release the lock even when the application gets terminated.
However, I am too little involved in Meego development to know why single-instance behaves this way or if this is a known limitation / bug. Probably the Meego forums or the Meego mailing list are better places to discuss this question.
You should look from the page below how to do single instance apps in Harmattan (it's very badly documented by Nokia...)