How to use QC2 Popup/ApplicationWindow "Overlay"
QML and Qt Quick
Hey all,
Trying to figure out how to get overlays working with my custom Style and Popup in my application.
I am looking to have a 100x100 popup in the center of my application, with the entire background an opaque grey color.
// MyPage.qml // ContentItem for a Page in a StackView of my application. Item { Popup { x: (parent.width - width) / 2 y: (parent.height - height) / 2 width: 100 height: 100 } }
// Popup.qml // Style re-implementation of Popup. T.Popup { parent: Overlay.overlay visible: true background: Rectangle { color: Theme.popupColor } // Didn't work // T.Overlay.modal: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } // T.Overlay.modeless: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } }
// ApplicationWindow.qml // Style re-implementation of ApplicationWindow. T.ApplicationWindow { id: control visible: true color: Theme.backgroundColor // Didn't work // overlay.modal: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } // overlay.modeless: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } // Didn't work // T.Overlay.modal: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } // T.Overlay.modeless: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5; color: Theme.overlayColor } }
Currently, this does NOT set the modal overlay of the ApplicationWindow correctly. All I see is a Rectangle Popup in the middle of my screen with no dimming effect whatsoever.
What am I missing here to dim the rest of the window?