QObject::connect: signal not found in promoted widget with Lambda syntax
I have an overloaded QTreeWidget class, with my SIGNALS: I have promoted it in my UI and when I listen promoted QTreeWidget object with a lambda syntax I have an error.
QObject::connect: signal not found in CustomTreeWidget.
MY CustomTreeWidget looks like:
class CustomTreeWidget : public QTreeWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CustomTreeWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); ~CustomTreeWidget() { } signals: void currentNodeChanged(QSet<int> uids); void deleteRequest(QVector<int> uids); }
CustomTreeWidget::CustomTreeWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTreeWidget(parent) { setAnimated(true); connect(this, &CustomTreeWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, [=](const QPoint &pos) { this->m_bCustomMenuOpen = true; const auto &&item = this->itemAt(pos); QMenu myMenu; bool ok = !(item) ? false : true; if (ok) { //თუ topLevelItem -ია მხოლოდ დამატების action -ი უნდა იყოს ჩართული. if (item == this->topLevelItem(0) || item == this->topLevelItem(0)->child(0)) { ok = false; } } QAction *Removecnt = myMenu.addAction(tr("&წაშლა"), this, SLOT(DeleteNode())); Removecnt->setIcon(QIcon(":/global_res/delete.png")); Removecnt->setEnabled(ok); myMenu.exec(this->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); } void CustomTreeWidget::BFS(QTreeWidgetItem *item, QSet<int> &out) { std::queue<QTreeWidgetItem *> Q; Q.push(item); while (!Q.empty()) { QTreeWidgetItem *now = Q.front(); Q.pop(); out.insert(this->m_mapUids[now]); for (int i = 0; i < now->childCount(); i++) { Q.push(now->child(i)); } } } QSet<int> CustomTreeWidget::GetCurrentNodeUids() { QSet<int> uids; if (!this->currentItem()) return uids; this->BFS(this->currentItem(), uids); return uids; } void CustomTreeWidget::DeleteNode() { QSet<int> nodes = this->GetCurrentNodeUids(); QVector<int> uids; for (auto it : nodes) { uids.push_back(it); } emit deleteRequest(uids); }
My lambda looks like:
connect(ui->productTree, &CustomTreeWidget::deleteRequest, this, [=](QVector<int> uids) { //logic });
But this signal works with old syntax.
connect(ui->productTree, SIGNAL(deleteRequest(QVector<int>)), this, SLOT(checkSlot(QVector<int>)));
And this slot is.
void ProductForm::checkSlot(QVector<int> uids) { qDebug() << uids.size(); }
So what is problem lambda syntax?
Something like this?connect(ui->productTree, static_cast<void (CustomTreeWidget::*)(QVector<int>)>(&CustomTreeWidget::deleteRequest), this, [=](QVector<int> uids) { qDebug() << "yeapp"; });
connect(ui->productTree, QOverload<QVector<int>>::of(&CustomTreeWidget::deleteRequest), this, [=](QVector<int> uids) { qDebug() << "yeapp"; });
Everything is same.
Quick test: Create a dummy class that inherits QObject (not a promoted QWidget!) and also give it a signal
void deleteRequest(QVector<int> uids)
. Instantiate this dummy class and try to connect this dummy signal to your lambda.Does it work?
@Taz742 said in QObject::connect: signal not found in promoted widget with Lambda syntax:
I dont know why but my CustomTreeWidget class have a UI
What do you mean? It is a GUI class, so it has a UI. Or do you mean it has ui member variable?
have you registered QVector as a metatype - usingqRegisterMetaType
, to use it via Signal/Slots? -
here's a dummy example:
#include <QtCore> #include <QtDebug> class MyClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT signals: void deleteRequest(QVector<int> uids); void done(); public slots: void trigger() { emit deleteRequest(QVector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4}); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, &MyClass::done); } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); MyClass mc; QTimer::singleShot(1000, &mc, &MyClass::trigger); QObject::connect(&mc, &MyClass::done, qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit); QObject::connect(&mc, &MyClass::deleteRequest, [](const QVector<int>& data) { qDebug() << data; }); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc"
The content of the QVector is printed after one second and the application ends after another one. Does it work on your machine ?
I have a same situation in other class.
Can you check this example?#ifndef IMAGEWORKER_H #define IMAGEWORKER_H #include <QObject> #include "QDebug" #include "globalhelper.h" #include "QThread" #include "QMutex" #include "QFile" #include "QDir" #include "QCryptographicHash" #include "QByteArray" class ImageWorker : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ImageWorker(QObject *parent = 0) { Q_UNUSED(parent); QThread *thread = new QThread; this->moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, &QThread::started, this, &ImageWorker::doWork); connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, thread, &QThread::quit); connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, this, &ImageWorker::deleteLater); connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QThread::deleteLater); thread->start(); } ~ImageWorker() { qDebug() << "ImageWorker deleted"; } signals: void finished(); public slots: void doWork() { emit finished(); } private: bool compareImages(const QByteArray &myImage, const QByteArray &serverImage) const { return myImage.toHex() == serverImage.toHex(); } QByteArray fileChecksum(const QByteArray &bytes, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Md5) const { QCryptographicHash hash(hashAlgorithm); hash.addData(bytes); return hash.result(); } }; #endif // IMAGEWORKER_H
Since you implement the constructor in your derived class, why don't you call the base class constructor ?
What exact situation do you have ?
@SGaist said in QObject::connect: signal not found in promoted widget with Lambda syntax:
Since you implement the constructor in your derived class, why don't you call the base class constructor ?
I dont understood...
@SGaist said in QObject::connect: signal not found in promoted widget with Lambda syntax:
What exact situation do you have ?
QObject::connect: signal not found in ImageWorker QObject::connect: signal not found in ImageWorker
I am debuging it and its happen here:
connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, thread, &QThread::quit); connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, this, &ImageWorker::deleteLater);
explicit ImageWorker(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) { QThread *thread = new QThread; etc.
I removed
#include "globalhelper.h"
and it build successfully on macOS. -
There is great uncertainty... I changed@Taz742 said in QObject::connect: signal not found in promoted widget with Lambda syntax:
connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, thread, &QThread::quit); connect(this, &ImageWorker::finished, this, &ImageWorker::deleteLater);
connect(this, SIGNAL(workerFinished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); connect(this, SIGNAL(workerFinished()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
its work...