[MacOS] ICON not showed in Sierra computers
General and Desktop
I'm generating a new app that have as target MacOS. I'm setting the app icon using this in my .pro file:
ICON = $$PWD/images/Myapp.icns
Also, I'm setting that:
I'm building using XCode 8.3.3 over MacOS High Sierra. The issue is that icon appears in Dock, Launchpad and Applications folder in High Sierra computers but not in Sierra computers. I have check that .icns is in Resources folder of the bundler and Info.plist contains information about CFBundleIconFile:
<key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>myAppImage.icns</string>
How I can solve this issue in Sierra. I have to say that I previously have installed debug versions in the same Sierra computer that didn't have icon set. Any cache issue with applications and icons?
Thanks in advance.