Resize video
General and Desktop
Hi, I'm using a QVideoWidget to play some videos. However, the videos come in all kinds of size and I want my application to scale them to a given size. Is this possible? It there anything similar to QImage::scale for videos? This is what I have done so far, it displays the video in their original size. Thanks
player = new QMediaPlayer; playlist = new QMediaPlaylist(player); videoWidget = new QVideoWidget(this); updatePlayList("path/to/videos"); player->setMedia(playlist); QDir recoredDir(dir);
loading - updatePlayList method
QStringList filesToDisp = recoredDir.entryList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Files); for (int i = 0; i < filesToDisp.size(); ++i) { QString fileName = filesToDisp[i]; if (isSupported(fileName)) { QMediaContent c(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir + "/" +fileName)); playlist->addMedia(c); } }
Init the widget and playing
videoDisplay* V = new videoDisplay(nullptr); V->show(); V->play();
You can fix the size of your video player if you don't want it to change.
I tried to change the size of the qvideowidget, but it doesn't help. The videos are still displayed with different sizes. You mean changing the size of the player itself? How?
How did you do that ?
I had a stupid typo, thanks for the help!