How to reduce code size in qml documents?
QML and Qt Quick
There is some situations that you have to copy and paste some snippet code in QML document and these situations make your code bigger, as you know the larger the code the harder to read, maintain and so fourth.
In C++ we can use macros, functions ,etc to handle this stuff please look at the below code:import QtQuick 2.0 Item { Rectangle { id:rectOneID property bool running: false property int durationTime: 500 color: "black" width: 200 height: 200 border.width: 2 border.color: "blue" Text { id: rectNameID text: qsTr("Rect") color: "blue" font.pixelSize: 20 font.bold: true anchors { centerIn: parent } } x:200 y:200 /***********************REPEATABLE PART****************************/ ParallelAnimation { SequentialAnimation { ColorAnimation{ target: rectOneID property: "color" from:"black" to: "lime" duration: rectOneID.durationTime } ColorAnimation{ target: rectOneID property: "color" from:"lime" to: "black" duration: rectOneID.durationTime } } SequentialAnimation { ColorAnimation{ target: rectNameID property: "color" from:"lime" to: "black" duration: rectOneID.durationTime } ColorAnimation{ target: rectNameID property: "color" from:"black" to: "lime" duration: rectOneID.durationTime } } running: rectOneID.running loops: -1 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if(rectOneID.running == true) { rectOneID.running = false; rectOneID.color = "black" rectNameID.color = "blue" } else rectOneID.running = true; } } /***************************************************/ } }
Imagine I have 10 other rectangles and I want to have ParallelAnimation in all of them, is there any solution to write this part once and use it multiple times in qml for other rectangles or not?
Ali -
Dear @Pablo-J.-Rogina,
Repeater it can be a solution but I'm looking for something like function in c++ or it's better to say inline function which can replace snippet code where ever they invoked or even macros