Qtimer::singleshot slot completed
Hi All
Is there any way I can find out that slot
QTimer::singleShot(1500, this, std::bind(&MyClass::crossCapture, this, getMousePointerX(), getMousePointerY()));has been completed
I am passing a reference variable as bool in slot of Qtimer::singleShot and then accesing this variable in called and putting a while loop on the same to check of the slot is completed any other way to do that
@VRonin said in Qtimer::singleshot slot completed:
hat you are doing is totally usel
I am using multple thread one is thread1 amd other is main Gui threadd
Qt Enthusiast about 6 hours ago
Hi AllIs there any way I can find out that slot updateGui is completed .
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, updateinMaingui());
if you can help me with the sample code
@Qt-Enthusiast could you please described in words what's your requirement or what you're trying to do overall? You've already have asked about QTimer::singleShot, and now this loop inside it, it sounds that you might be over complicating things...