Windows deploy not working anymore after Qt upgrade from 5.4.1 to 5.10.0
Dear all,
I've developed a Qt application under 5.4.1 version. It's been working successfully until I decided to upgrade my system to Qt 5.10.0. After compiling in Release mode, I read to create from scratch the new package.
Execution results in an error: libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll not found. So I took it from <Qt>\Qt5.10.0\5.10.0\mingw53_32\bin folder.
Next execution is resulting in a different error
Which means that it can't find the entry point into Qt5Gui.dll. What can be the reason if this error?
I'm using Qt 5.10.0 over a VMWare 64 bit Virtual Machine, mingw 5.3 32 bit. Please note that I can debug succesfully the application from Qt SDK.
Thanks for anyone has some suggestion for me, regards. -
Is the Qt DLL present in your build directory (same where your .exe is)?
If yes, are you sure it's the release lib (Qt5Gui.dll) and not the debug one (Qt5Guid.dll)?
Thanks for your help,
unfortunately yes, all the lib are in release version, as they have been produced with windeployqt.exe tool following the instruction given for Release deployment (so I suppose the tool takes the newest version, moreover in this Virtual Machine i did only a fresh setup of Qt 5.10.0 so I don't have multiple version of required dlls).
Here's my lib list:
Regards, -
Edit: Disregard this. I just looked at one of my deployed projects and Qt5Core.dll does have the same date as when it was deployed, and newer than the other Qt5 dlls.
Something looks weird with your Qt5 dlls. All of them have a date of 1/12/2017 except Qt5Core.dll. December 1st is about when Qt 5.10.0 was released (tagged on November 30 according to Could Qt5Core.dll be from some other version?