Writing IOS app logfiles to public accessible folder QStandardPaths
hi our app runs on windows. android && IOS tablets and phones
we write logfiles for troubleshooting and customer issues ...on windows, using QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation); which works great
on android I use QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); which allows me to both view && pull logs via myFiles application && adb .... files reside in internalStorage/Document
but I cant seem to either view or pull logfiles on IOS tablet ...
I have tried ITunes , and various other file manager and plugging tablet into my desktop .... I tried using various folders like photos which are publicDo you have any advice on what folder I can write logfiles to on IOS so I can view /or pull them off a tablet ?
thanks in advance
On iOS to get at an apps' files you need to enable "file sharing" for an app by setting
in the plist, and then I think the files will need to be in the app's "Documents" area, and then you can access them via iTunes. It's a bit clunky (especially as so far as I remember iTunes only lets you deal with top level files and won't copy multiple files or directory hierarchies). That's how I was doing things a few years ago anyway; not sure if better ways have appeared since then. -
I tried this using ITunes 12.6 and I did not see the file I created using QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation
I did use UIFileSharing YES in the plist ...
Additionally I added LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace YESHere is where QT is putting my logfile based on using Standard path DocumentsLocation
(I created the MyAppName folder)
I don't believe this is the correct path for ITunes ...
Should I be using QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation ???Has anyone had success ?
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