QT Windows Visual Studio QRC deployment issues
I have built a tool using QT and OpenGL in Linux and I am currently trying to compile it on Windows. I used the QT VS Tool to import the .pro file and I have I linked all the libraries. I use a .qrc file to load the icons. When I build and run the software in Visual Studio in Debug or Release mode it works perfectly but when I tried to build with Visual Studio and then start the executable from the explorer directly, the software works but all the icons are missing. I have copied the dlls and plugins needed and Visual Studio seems to compile my qrc file successfully. Why are the icons only working when I run it with "Local Windows Debugger" and not when I open the .exe file ? Am I missing something to deploy it ?Thank you
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What format are these icons ?
Did you already took a look at the windeployqt documentation ?
No I didn't know this tool and it worked perfectly. Thank you SGaist !