How to avoid ratings users give just for gaining points
Yes, system of gaining points look to be not perfect. Some actions that give you points don't really help to develop the Qt community. For example, I can add all possible tags to my post to get more points. But what's the profit of this for the community. From the other side in such a case I'm stupid because I'm trying to get more points which in fact doesn't matter anything.
[quote author="VC15" date="1284626475"]Yes, system of gaining points look to be not perfect. Some actions that give you points don't really help to develop the Qt community. For example, I can add all possible tags to my post to get more points. But what's the profit of this for the community. From the other side in such a case I'm stupid because I'm trying to get more points which in fact doesn't matter anything.[/quote]
You are right I have seen people tagging for almost all the words. How is that going to help.
Soon a scenario might arise that you will have to issue points to cleanup the forum.
[quote author="Alexander Kuchumov" date="1284627203"]And would be better does not allow rating many articles very often for short time.[/quote]
I think that this is not the solution. What if someday there have been posted several threads that are worth rating up indeed? I guess the rating system should be reorganized thoroughfully.
The first idea that comes to my mind is that the rating of the thread should automatic. The rating should be calculated from the activity of the thread (number of posts and the rate at which new posts are coming) + the quality/sense of posts (i.e. not just "Great", "Wow" , etc) + the number of thanks (via Thank button, I hope this will be implemented) + some other parameters.
UPD: Or maybe rating up should add points to the user.
QtK: You are aware that you get points deducted when tags you set are removed again? So just adding useless tags will just have people remove them again and your points are back to where they were originally. This is not a way to gain points.
I further doubt that people rate up stuff to gain points... I do rate up everything I read, but not for the points but as a kind of bookmark to show which pages I had already visited before. As far as I can tell there is no (other) way to find out whether you had seen pages already.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284639320"]I further doubt that people rate up stuff to gain points... I do rate up everything I read, but not for the points but as a kind of bookmark to show which pages I had already visited before. As far as I can tell there is no (other) way to find out whether you had seen pages already.[/quote]
But isn't that a misusing of Rating up button? I mean, a person comes to read threads and sees that lots of people have rated them up and he expects those thread to be informative and useful, but in fact, he starts reading some useless posts only because many of other people bookmarked them via Rating button.
I have ready talked to Marius about this. I even tried to start a thread about this too.
Well, He said the rating points are limitaded by 100 rates/day. as a complement I suggested that the rating points should be limmitaded by, at maximum, 10 or 20% of your total points. It solves the problem of high ranked yours without real contributions.
Btw, I've "rated this up" :)
[quote author="danilocesar" date="1284640853"]I have ready talked to Marcus about this. I even tried to start a thread about this too.
Well, He said the rating points are limitaded by 100 rates/day. as a complement I suggested that the rating points should be limmitaded by, at maximum, 10 or 20% of your total points. It solves the problem of high ranked yours without real contributions. [/quote]
It doesn't solve the porblem completely. Let's say that you limit rating points with 10% out of your total points and initially you have N = 100 points. After K days you can get 1.1^K*N.
(the numbers are floored where applicable)
Day 0: 100
Day 1: 110
Day 2: 121
Day 3: 133
Day 4: 146
Day 5: 161
Day 6: 177
Day 7: 194
etc...You can try different number of points, bu after 1 week you can double(approximately) the number of your points without real contribution.
lyuts: It is a misuse, yes. But I doubt that it will break the rating system: As long as I read almost everything I am just raising the null mark. Good posts will still stick out above that mark.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284641770"]lyuts: It is a misuse, yes. But I doubt that it will break the rating system: As long as I read almost everything I am just raising the null mark. Good posts will still stick out above that mark.[/quote]
Well, in your case, you are right, your sort of do the grade shifting. But it can be misused by those who can't/doesn't read everything here. In this case, the mark is misrepresented.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284639320"]QtK: You are aware that you get points deducted when tags you set are removed again? So just adding useless tags will just have people remove them again and your points are back to where they were originally. This is not a way to gain points.
I further doubt that people rate up stuff to gain points... I do rate up everything I read, but not for the points but as a kind of bookmark to show which pages I had already visited before. As far as I can tell there is no (other) way to find out whether you had seen pages already.[/quote]
Yes, I had observed that for Tags. So that is fine. But for rating if we start rating all the articles we read - then its a misuse of the feature.
Now we can have the admins ask about some feature to know which posts were read and which ones are not yet read. Like we can have some different color to the post.
But for rating I strongly feel that you should rate only if you like the rating - not for points or to know if the thread was read by the user.
[quote author="lyuts" date="1284642014"][quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284641770"]lyuts: It is a misuse, yes. But I doubt that it will break the rating system: As long as I read almost everything I am just raising the null mark. Good posts will still stick out above that mark.[/quote]
Well, in your case, you are right, your sort of do the grade shifting. But it can be misused by those who can't/doesn't read everything here. In this case, the mark is misrepresented.[/quote]
The best option is to have some other indication for posts that have been read and those are new.
QtK: I fully agree. A "take me to the first comment I have not read in this thread" link would be greatly appreciated:-)
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284642572"]QtK: I fully agree. A "take me to the first comment I have not read in this thread" link would be greatly appreciated:-)[/quote]
I guess this kind of link is mailed to your e-mail, but it would be nice to have such button/link on site. + It would be nice to have a button "Show me threads I have not read".
Tobias: Thank you for communication and cooperation. I think this is a great practice, when users communicate with people who deliver some service.
I can confirm the "100 points a day from rating"-limitation, to prevent simple hacks.
And we have a feature request for "max % amount of points from rating".
The rating system is not an exact science, Tobias nails it right here:
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284641770"]lyuts: It is a misuse, yes. But I doubt that it will break the rating system: As long as I read almost everything I am just raising the null mark. Good posts will still stick out above that mark.[/quote]
lyuts: You are welcome, even though I am not sure why you are thanking me:-)
I just hang out around here when my computer is busy munching through Qt and Creator.
PS: I am only replying to get 5 more points! :-)
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1284644104"]lyuts: You are welcome, even though I am not sure why you are thanking me:-)
I just hang out around here when my computer is busy munching through Qt and Creator.
PS: I am only replying to get 5 more points! :-)[/quote]
Oh, you are not involved in QtDN developement, are you? If not, give me back my "Thank you" :-), just kidding.
MariusG: Don't make the rules too complex!
Somebody who takes the time to rate up hundreds of items to get the points he needs to become a moderator or whatever has demonstrated a commitment to the site (or just an enormous amount of boredom), just like somebody posting lots of comments.
And of course comments can be just as useless as mindless up-rating... Yes, you could get really funky and implement a comment evaluator framework to discount "Me too"-like comments, but is that really worth it?
[quote author="lyuts" date="1284644375"]
Oh, you are not involved in QtDN developement, are you? If not, give me back my "Thank you" :-), just kidding.
[/quote]I am, but I was busy launching the "new labs": :) (hope you like it!)