qmake (or cmake): create a Mac framework bundle with an executable and a library (to re-use bundled Qt frameworks)
Is it possible to generate a mac framework bundle (TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += lib_bundle) but to also include an executable inside this bundle.
Both, the lib (dylib) and the executable will use the bundled Qt frameworks (which is copied by macdeployqt utility). The lib will run the executable and they will communicate using Qt RemoteObjects (or other RPC).
The lib itself will be used from another 3rd party app.
AFAIK, what you describe doesn't follow any of the bundle or framework definition.
You can find an interesting description from CMake here.
Can you give more details about what that framework is supposed to do ?
I have a mac framework which uses Qt. So
macdeployqt my.Framework
correctly puts all the needed Qt frameworks and resources inside. This (my) framework (exposed by C API) is used from the non-Qt application.Now, there is a need to create another Qt app. This qt app and the mentioned framework (actually a dynamic library inside) will communicate through RPC or IPC between each other.
I want to re-use the bundled Qt frameworks here - to not to have separate Qt libs for another app, but this should be self-contained. So I want to put both - the qt app and the dynamic library (also using qt) inside the one mac framework so they reuse the bundled Qt stuff.