Packaging and deploying a qml desktop application
Hi friends. I am developing a qml desktop application with Qt 4.7.3 and I would like to know how to build an installer like Qt Creator has in order to install the application. I want to pack all necessary files (qml, C++ Classes and libraries) in order to run the application, is it possible?, how could I do that?. Are there best practices to do this?
Thanks for your help.
On which OS? Or multiple OS's?
Initially on Linux (Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu) and maybe Windows, but later.
Well on Linux there is no standard on deploying... I don't know about or used any installer.
I have used this "approach": (third point) on a few systems, not on massive deploy. It's working for me, so far.
Ok thank you, that is a good option; I am going to test it.
Thank for your help.