QML: Overlapping webcam and webview
General and Desktop
I'm trying to have a webcam show at the same time that I have a local website running. Unfortunately, every attempt at make at having these items show at the same time has been failing me. It either shows the local site, or the webcam. I've stripped the code for the sake of simplicity.
the QML:
import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtWebView 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtMultimedia 5.3 ApplicationWindow { property bool showProgress: webView.loading && Qt.platform.os !== "ios" && Qt.platform.os !== "winrt" visible: true x: initialX y: initialY width: initialWidth height: initialHeight title: webView.title Camera { id: camera objectName: "qmlCam" } Row { spacing: 0 VideoOutput { id: viewfinder source: camera //anchors.fill: parent.left } Image { id: photoPreview //anchors.fill: viewfinder } WebView { id: webView url: base64url onLoadingChanged: { if (loadRequest.errorString) console.error(loadRequest.errorString); } } } }