Problems with Unicode / Mulitbyte
I need to get some data from LDAP and found an example here :
I tried to add these lines to my programm:PCHAR hostName = ""; LDAP* pLdapConnection = NULL; pLdapConnection = ldap_init(hostName, LDAP_PORT);
Now I've ran into the problem that I get an error cannot convert from 'const char[21] to 'PCHAR'.
I've tried to search for a solution and found lot's of cases for example :'ve tried PCHAR hostName = L"";
PCHAR hostName = _T("");#ifdef _UNICODE
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>in the .pro file
DEFINES += _MBCSBut I keep getting the same error nomatter what.
OK, so this works...
char hostName[] = "";
no other changes needed.Also for the ldap library add in the .pro file:
LIBS += -lwldap32 -
You're mixing ANSI and "universal" calls. You shouldn't do that as it won't compile in unicode mode.
These are the valid options:Use ANSI explicitly:
CHAR hostName[] = ""; ldap_initA(hostName, LDAP_PORT);
Use UNICODE explicitly:
WCHAR hostName[] = L""; ldap_initW(hostName, LDAP_PORT);
Use "universal" code which will expand to one of the above depending on the
macro being defined or not:TCHAR hostName[] = _T(""); ldap_init(hostName, LDAP_PORT);