QJSONDocument and QNetworkReply
General and Desktop
Ive run into a little problem addressing a bug;
The application runs fine and receives a JSON response in linux.
the application runs fine and receives a JSON response on windows when compiled with debug symbols and running in gdb.
the application runs fine but does not receive a JSON response on windows in release version.QT 5.8.0
This is a little confusing. The problem area is :
try { QByteArray data; data = reply->readAll(); std::string newVersionString; QJsonDocument replyJson = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data); QJsonObject obj = replyJson.object(); if(!obj.empty()) {
NOTE: obj is empty only in windows release version of the code. linux release its not empty and windows release with debug symbols running in gdb is not empty.
any ideas.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you try something like WireShark to see what happens on the network when it's not working ?
Does your server generated something wrong ?