Strange reaction of an Animation
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all,
Please run this code on your system. I don't know why when I use this
the ball doesn't reflect when it hits the walls!main.qml
:import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true width: 720 height: 620 Rectangle { id: table anchors.fill: parent color: "gray" Rectangle { id: ball property double xincrement: Math.random() + 0.5 property double yincrement: Math.random() + 0.5 width: 15 height: width radius: width / 2 color: "white" x: 300; y: 300 } Racket { id: myRacket x: table.width - 50 y: table.height/3 color: "blue" } ParallelAnimation { id: anim NumberAnimation { target: ball properties: "x" to: timer.xMove } NumberAnimation { target: ball properties: "y" to: timer.yMove } } Timer { id: timer interval: 20; repeat: true; running: true property double xMove: ball.x property double yMove: ball.y onTriggered: { if(ball.x + ball.width >= table.width || ball.x <= 0) ball.xincrement *= -1 xMove += ball.xincrement * 2.0 yMove += ball.yincrement * 2.0 anim.restart() if(ball.y <= 0 || ball.y + ball.height >= table.height) ball.yincrement *= -1 } } } }
:import QtQuick 2.9 Rectangle { id: root width: 15; height: 65 MouseArea { anchors.fill: root anchors.margins: -root.height root drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumY: 600 } }