".onClosing" is not available due to component versioning
QML and Qt Quick
I write a simple program look at this:
import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Window 2.10 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Item { //property Window theWindow: Window.window Window.window.onClosing: { console.warn( "我们就是要清除了哦。" ); } } }
But unfortunately it turns out:
qrc:/main.qml:13 ".onClosing" is not available due to component versioning.
How can I resolve the problem? Thanks in advance.
@jiancaiyang said in ".onClosing" is not available due to component versioning:
The attached property of "Window" is called "window", so that line should read:
window.onClosing: { // ... }
But better handle the signal in the window itself, not in it's child component.
In fact, some other component could be able to handle window's closing event even if out-of-scope. So I am trying to read Window's instance in that way. Finally I found this way worked:
import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Window 2.10 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Item { id: root property Window theWindow: Window.window Connections { target: root.theWindow onClosing: { console.log( "我们就是要清除了哦。" ); } } } }