Fail to call size() from QVector
i´ve got a runtime error when i´m trying to call QVector::size() in line 89:
inline int size() const { return d->size; }I try to call it from an other class a QVector<class*>
first time it works and a seccond time i get a error.maybe some solution?
here the stack trace, maybe someone can help?
1 QVector<Anfrage *>::size qvector.h 89 0x465608
2 Anfragen::anfsize Anfragen.cpp 237 0x424e5a
3 Funktionen::savelocal Funktionen.cpp 103 0x42d0ce
4 AnfrAnzeigen::openKontaktmenu AnfrAnzeigen.cpp 212 0x402ecd
5 AnfrAnzeigen::qt_static_metacall moc_AnfrAnzeigen.cpp 78 0x4376af
6 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3740 0x6bb05782
7 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3602 0x6bb050a2
8 QAbstractButton::clicked moc_qabstractbutton.cpp 307 0x13f061d1
9 QAbstractButtonPrivate::emitClicked qabstractbutton.cpp 411 0x13f03f33
10 QAbstractButtonPrivate::click qabstractbutton.cpp 404 0x13f03ed0
11 QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent qabstractbutton.cpp 1009 0x13f0520d
12 QWidget::event qwidget.cpp 8785 0x13e36e5d
13 QAbstractButton::event qabstractbutton.cpp 966 0x13f05082
14 QPushButton::event qpushbutton.cpp 679 0x13f9c06e
15 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper qapplication.cpp 3799 0x13dffb70
16 QApplication::notify qapplication.cpp 3273 0x13dfd8b8
17 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 qcoreapplication.cpp 988 0x6badc6e7
18 QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent qcoreapplication.h 234 0x1417c865
19 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent qapplication.cpp 2769 0x13dfc563
20 QWidgetWindow::handleMouseEvent qwidgetwindow.cpp 617 0x13e4fb2a
... <More> -
the code is inside the qvector.h at line 89: inline int size() const { return d->size; }
(it stands under line 89 in my earlier post)
it stopped at this point with Segmentation fault ( Signal SIGSEGV)i try to call the size of the vector in class Anfragen with a getter method, but it seems that it will not work -.-
When a Segmentation fault is detected, it catches it inside the qvector.h even though the error is in your code...Is Anfragen your own implementation?
Hi @Allerknappe
2 Anfragen::anfsize Anfragen.cpp 237
Please show us your function that is around line 237 in Anfragen.cpp
so i want to explain my steps:
In stack trace #4 AnfrAnzeigen::openKontaktmenu{
Funktionen *funk = new Funktionen();
Anfragen *anf = new Anfragen();
so the method savelocal will call in stack trace #3 Funktionen::savelocal(Anfragen anf){
for(qint32 i = 0; i < anf->anfsize(); i++)
now i call the anfsize method from stack trace #2 Anfragen::anfsize{
return anf.size();
anf is a QVector<Anfrage> type which is declared in the class Anfragen. Anfrage is an also self created when i try to get the size or call isEmpty() i get the runtime error.
strange is, that a previous call give me the size back and the next call gives me a runtime error. -
Can you show the complete code ?
so here a part of the code, which is propably part of the problem..
class AnfrAnzeigen : public QWidget, private Ui::AnfrAnzeigen { Q_OBJECT public: AnfrAnzeigen(const QRect winSize,Profil *prof); AnfrAnzeigen(const QRect winSize,Profil *prof, Anfragen *anf); ~AnfrAnzeigen() {} protected slots: void no(qint32 id); //Anfrage ablehnen void yes(qint32 id); //Anfrage zustimmen void openKontaktmenu(); private: Funktionen *funk; Kontakte *kon; Profil *prof; Anfragen *anf; }; void AnfrAnzeigen::openKontaktmenu() { Chats *chat = new Chats(); Termine *ter = new Termine(); Terminanfragen *teranf = new Terminanfragen(); Terminnachrichten *terna = new Terminnachrichten(); funk->savelocal(prof, anf, chat, ter, teranf,terna); this->close(); Kontaktmenu *KoMenu = new Kontaktmenu(this->geometry()); KoMenu->show(); } void Funktionen::savelocal(Profil *prof, Anfragen *anf, Chats *chat, Termine *ter, Terminanfragen *teranf, Terminnachrichten *terna) // zum generieren und speichern der lokalen datei { QFile file("user.dat"); file.remove(); Profil *pro = prof; Anfragen *an = anf; Chats *cha = chat; Termine *te = ter; Terminanfragen *teran = teranf; Terminnachrichten *tern = terna; bool ok =; if(ok==0) return; QTextStream write(&file); write << "Anfragen:\r\n" << endl; for(qint32 i = 0; i < an->anfsize(); i++) { write << QVariant(anf->anf[i]->getanfragendeID()).toString()+"\r\n" << endl; write << anf->anf[i]->getgrund()+"\r\n" << endl; write << anf->anf[i]->getdate()+"\r\n" << endl; } ... } qint16 Anfragen::anfsize() { return anf.size(); } class Anfragen { public: Anfragen(); void addAnfrage(qint32 anfragendeID, QString grund, QString date); void deleteAnfrage(qint32 position); qint16 anfsize(); ~Anfragen(); private: QVector<Anfrage*> anf; };
[Added code tags ~kshegunov]
First off, my advice is not to use classes that are differentiated only by number -
is mighty confusing to read in code. Secondly, it's a good idea, at least as long as we are talking programming, to use english for both class' names and comments. It's a tragic fact of life that code is much more often read than written and using German actually shrinks the amount of people who can read and understand it.As for your original question, to get that kind of segmentation fault the problem is almost universally usage of a wild pointer. Your
, I'm sure, points to nowhere when you callAnfragen::anfsize()
, which referencesAnfragen::anf
, which in turn has an invalid address, and ultimately you get the segfault in theQVector::size()
. Look for the place where you deleteAnfrAnzeigen::anf
and from there on trace the place where you callAnfragen::anfsize()
after the object had been deleted. -
thank you for the answer.
to first: yes your right with the english description, but as i start to writing this code i was not thinking about it. at some point i took english description but the old german description is still the second:
yes your right, at some point i destruct the anfragen class and so i the vector is uninitialised. if i thinking about it it´s a simple mistake-.-so at least:
Thank your for your answer!