TextInput and font.pixelSize
Hi all,
I would like the text to be as high as the TextInput. Therefore I do:
TextInput { font.pixelSize: height }
But that gives me:
QML TextInput: Binding loop detected for property "font.pixelSize"
With a Text I would set the pixelHeight to a rather big value and set fontSizeMode accordingly:
Text { font.pixelSize: 1000 fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit }
But TextInput has no property "fontSizeMode".
Does anyone have an idea how to get the text as hight as the item? -
@Tirupathi-Korla Sorry, my example should have been a little more contextual. I can't set the height, it's calculated by a layout:
CulumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Text { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: 1 } TextInput { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: 2 font.pixelHeight: height } }
You may set font pixel size once the component is created or once its height changed....TextInput { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: 2 // This is for fixed height Component.onCompleted: { font.pixelSize = height } // or you can use this.. onHeightChanged: { font.pixelSize = height } }
@Tirupathi-Korla Thanks, I wanted to avoid using a function with an assigment. I wanted to use a binding but the errors are often pretty annoying and it's often not obvious why there should be a loop.
@Tirupathi-Korla You are right! I've been told by the Qt support team, the binding loop is the following:
font.pixelHeight: height implicitHeight: font.pixelHeight height: implicitHeight
To break the binding with implicitHeight and thus the loop one can set the height to an arbitrary value.
Now it looks like this and it seems to work:TextInput { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: 2 height: 0 // just to break the loop font.pixelSize: height }
Defining a height breaks the loop but interestingly Layout.preferredHeight still wins.