Unexplained warnings in Qt5.10
I just moved up from Qt 5.8 to 5.10 and now getting unexplained QML warnings when debugging my app.
I've got a ListView that uses a delegate to load its rows like this:
Component { id: rowCell Rectangle { height: childrenRect.height color: rowBGColor(rowIndex) Text { id: timeText anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top leftPadding: cellPadX topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY width: cellPadX + timeMetrics.width height: timeMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: timeMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: time } Text { id: serviceText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: platformText.left anchors.top: parent.top topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: serviceMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: serviceMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: service } Text { id: platformText anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top rightPadding: cellPadX topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY width: cellPadX + platformMetrics.width height: platformMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: platformMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor(rowIndex) horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight text: platform } Text { id: infoText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: serviceText.bottom topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: infoMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: infoMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: info } Text { id: stopsText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: infoText.bottom topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: infoMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: infoMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: elidedStops(rowIndex, stops) } } } ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: platformModel delegate: Component { Loader { property int rowIndex: index property string time: model.time property string service: model.service property string platform: model.platform property string info: model.info property string stops: model.stops anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right sourceComponent: { if (index == 0) return headerCell; else return rowCell; } } } }
But I get these anchor warnings which don't make sense because I'm only anchoring to either siblings or the parent:
qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:131:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:131:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:144:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:156:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:156:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:170:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. qrc:/qt/PlatformPane.qml:182:13: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
The only reason I can think of that delegates/Loader now behave differently?
@6thC said in Unexplained warnings in Qt5.10:
It's a bit messy, and I've taken liberties to supply stuff missing - but this should work - the prints at least are outputting the data in the model.
I've resolved some things only once like color etc but pretty much just got it working. Hopefully that at least gets you going.
Thanks! That did get me going but not in the way you'd expect. Following your lead, I went back to adding some prints and noticed that the problems I got were when the
was -1! So in the exact original code above, I just changed the ListView sourceComponent to:sourceComponent: { if (index == 0) return headerCell; else if (index > 0) return rowCell; return null; }
My guess is that for some reason ListView in 5.10 (recall that I didn't have this problem in 5.8) now loads up a row with negative indices. So the parent for the sourceComponent becomes null and so the anchoring is invalid.
I'm still not sure whether the extra Component nesting the Loader is needed or not, but it's just following the example in the docs in the "Using a Loader within a View Delegate" section that you pointed out.
@functor0 said in Unexplained warnings in Qt5.10:
Using a Loader within a View Delegate might be what you are experiencing.
In the following example, the index context property inserted by the ListView into delegateComponent's context will be inaccessible to Text, as the Loader will use the creation context of myComponent as the parent context when instantiating it, and index does not refer to anything within that context chain.
In this situation we can either move the component inline, ...
into a separate file, ...
or explicitly set the required information as a property of the Loader (this works because the Loader sets itself as the context object for the component it is loading). -
As far as I know, I'm doing it as recommended ie. the part where it says "explicitly set the required information as a property of the Loader (this works because the Loader sets itself as the context object for the component it is loading)." However, I don't think the errors pertain to the use of the index, but rather of the "parent" property.
It's a bit messy, and I've taken liberties to supply stuff missing - but this should work - the prints at least are outputting the data in the model.
I've resolved some things only once like color etc but pretty much just got it working. Hopefully that at least gets you going.
Text { id: timeMetrics; height: 100; width: 100; fontSizeMode: Text.Fit; minimumPixelSize: 10; font.pixelSize: 72 } TextMetrics { id: platformMetrics; font: timeMetrics.font; text: timeMetrics.text; }TextMetrics { id: infoMetrics; font: timeMetrics.font; text: timeMetrics.text; } TextMetrics { id: serviceMetrics; font: timeMetrics.font; text: timeMetrics.text; } function rowBGColor(arg){ print("rowBGColor(arg): " + arg); return "black"; } function rowFGColor(arg){ print("rowFGColor(arg): " + arg); return "white"; } function elidedStops(arg, arg2){ return ("elidedStops" + arg + ", " + arg2); } property real cellPadX: 0.0; property real cellPadY: 0.0; Component { id: headerCell Rectangle { property int rowIndex; property string time ; property string service ; property string platform; property string info ; property string stops ; Component.onCompleted: print("headerCell rect completed"); } } ListModel { id: platformModel; ListElement { rowIndex : 0 ; time : "now" ; service : "good" ; platform : "linux" ; info : "normal"; stops : false ; } ListElement { rowIndex : 1 ; time : "then" ; service : "poor" ; platform : "windows"; info : "critical" ; stops : true ; } } Component { id: rowCell Rectangle { property int rowIndex; property string time ; property string service ; property string platform; property string info ; property string stops ; // resolve this just the once on creation - it's the same result property color rowFGColor: root.rowFGColor(rowIndex); height: childrenRect.height color: rowBGColor(rowIndex) anchors.fill: parent; ColumnLayout { Text { id: timeText anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top leftPadding: cellPadX topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY width: cellPadX + timeMetrics.width height: timeMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: timeMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor // rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: time } Text { id: serviceText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: platformText.left anchors.top: parent.top topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: serviceMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: serviceMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor // rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: service } Text { id: platformText anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top rightPadding: cellPadX topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY width: cellPadX + platformMetrics.width height: platformMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: platformMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor // rowFGColor(rowIndex) horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight text: platform } Text { id: infoText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: serviceText.bottom topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: infoMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: infoMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor // rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: info } Text { id: stopsText anchors.left: timeText.right anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: infoText.bottom topPadding: cellPadY bottomPadding: cellPadY height: infoMetrics.height + 2*cellPadY font.pointSize: infoMetrics.font.pointSize color: rowFGColor // rowFGColor(rowIndex) text: elidedStops(rowIndex, stops) } } } } ListView { id: listView; anchors.fill: parent model: platformModel delegate: //Component { Loader { id: loader; // property int rowIndex: index // property string time: model.time // property string service: model.service // property string platform: model.platform // property string info: model.info // property string stops: model.stops anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right sourceComponent: { ((ListView.currentIndex === 0) ? headerCell : rowCell); } onLoaded: { // both should work rowIndex = index // model.index time = time // model.time service = service // model.service platform = platform // model.platform info = info // model.info stops = stops // model.stops print("rowIndex: " + rowIndex + " time: " + time + " service: " + service + " platform: " + platform + " info: " + info + " stops: " + stops ); } } // } }
@6thC said in Unexplained warnings in Qt5.10:
It's a bit messy, and I've taken liberties to supply stuff missing - but this should work - the prints at least are outputting the data in the model.
I've resolved some things only once like color etc but pretty much just got it working. Hopefully that at least gets you going.
Thanks! That did get me going but not in the way you'd expect. Following your lead, I went back to adding some prints and noticed that the problems I got were when the
was -1! So in the exact original code above, I just changed the ListView sourceComponent to:sourceComponent: { if (index == 0) return headerCell; else if (index > 0) return rowCell; return null; }
My guess is that for some reason ListView in 5.10 (recall that I didn't have this problem in 5.8) now loads up a row with negative indices. So the parent for the sourceComponent becomes null and so the anchoring is invalid.
I'm still not sure whether the extra Component nesting the Loader is needed or not, but it's just following the example in the docs in the "Using a Loader within a View Delegate" section that you pointed out.