Including a QT header into a souce file that is outside of the project tree causes compiler errors.
If I add
#include <QOpenGLTexture>
into my QML project I got errors of type '<something1> must be included before any header file that defines <something1>', for example:
libs/qt591/include/QtCore/qtextstream.h:52: error: #error qtextstream.h must be included before any header file that defines Status
#error qtextstream.h must be included before any header file that defines Status
^~~~~This something2 can be Status, Bool or something else, depending on where I include <QOpenGLTexture>. Tried to make <QOpenGLTexture> the first include file in my sources, but with no success.
I use QT 5.9.1.
This happens if I include any qt header like <QDebug> for example into a header that is outside of the project tree.
Can you show your project tree ?
@SGaist in the PRO file I have this:
QT += qml quick multimedia
CONFIG += c++11
VERSION = 1.0.14
#Enable OpenGL function definitions in the GL headers
SOURCES += main.cpp
....if I include a QT header in a file in a ../MyApp/MyApp.Shared/ subfolder I get this.
Is this some kind of library you are using ?
And that "shared sources" also uses Qt ?