Is Qbs build tool available for Android & iOS?
Hi @Ibrahim
I haven't tried Qbs myself, so no idea on what is needed in practice, but @Jake-Petroules does say in the Qbs 1.9 blog post that Android should be supported.There is a bug/request on documenting common platforms in bugreports. The Qbs documentation is a bit sparse, but should give some hints on setup.
Just a thought. You do have your Android toolchain set up correctly? Sometimes that is a bit tricky.
@tekojo thanks for your answer. I set Android toolchain correctly. I already compile my project with qmake for Android. But I can't compile same project with Qbs for Android, but I can compile same project with Qbs for desktop.
Also, do I need to install Qbs as manual? I just installed Qt 5.9.1 + Qt Creator 4.4.0.
Qbs is included with QtCreator and should update to the latest version with 4.4.0. So that should be fine.As said, I'm not really familiar with Qbs, so it is best to ask on the Qbs mailing list: