Well-tried build script failing with Qt 5.9 (qtbase/bin not populated, works with previous Qt versions)
I have a simple and well-tried script for building Qt 5.2-5.7 on Windows that's failing with Qt 5.9.
In a nutshell, it works like this:
cd $build_dir $src/qt5/configure -mp -opensource -confirm-license -nomake tests -nomake examples -opengl desktop nmake
For Qt 5.2-5.7, this produces a working build with a fully populated qtbase/bin folder:
assistant.exe ... moc.exe pixeltool.exe ... qml.exe ... Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Guid.dll ... Qt5Quick.dll Qt5QuickControls2.dll ... xmlpatternsvalidator.exe
For Qt 5.9, qtbase/bin is missing the content of the other modules. It only includes:
moc.exe qdbuscpp2xml.exe qdbusxml2cpp.exe qfloat16-tables.exe qlalr.exe qmake.exe qt.conf Qt5Concurrent.dll Qt5Concurrentd.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Cored.dll Qt5DBus.dll Qt5DBusd.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Guid.dll Qt5Network.dll Qt5Networkd.dll Qt5OpenGL.dll Qt5OpenGLd.dll Qt5PrintSupport.dll Qt5PrintSupportd.dll Qt5Sql.dll Qt5Sqld.dll Qt5Test.dll Qt5Testd.dll Qt5Widgets.dll Qt5Widgetsd.dll Qt5Xml.dll Qt5Xmld.dll rcc.exe uic.exe
Consequently, when running
from this build it fails with errors similar to this one:Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick
What am I doing wrong?
(Build details: git tag
, Visual Studio 2017) -
What happens if you chuck in a
nmake install
after building? -
nmake install
creates the desired files in${drive_letter_of_build_dir}/usr/local/Qt-5.9.1
.The doc explicitly states that
"On Windows, Qt is configured as a non-prefix build by default."
, and - as shown in my initial post - I didn't add a prefix.
So how do I achieve a regular build like with previous Qt versions? (I don't want the additional features of-developer-build
, so that is out of the question.) -
Looks like you've been hit by this change.
So how do I achieve a regular build like with previous Qt versions? (I don't want the additional features of-developer-build, so that is out of the question.)
Use prefix and set it to PWD. So, on Windows it will look sth like:
configure -prefix %cd%
Although I see you use unix conventions in your script, so maybe:
./configure -prefix $PWD
@mourl said in Well-tried build script failing with Qt 5.9 (qtbase/bin not populated, works with previous Qt versions):
So the doc hasn't been updated to reflect the recent changes. I'll file a bug report.
That's possible. Thanks :)